Call now : 330-819-5555 is owned and operated by Tim Davis.  I have been around vintage cars my whole life.  A few years ago a friend of mine showed me some pictures of bumper cars on wheels and I was hooked.  After months of looking for an old bumper car, I found one in New York City.  I loaded up my van and started out for a 10 hour trip to retrieve my new ride.  The car looked great in pictures. Once I got it home and took off the stainless steel trim the lower half of the body was rusted through. After hours of trying to replace it, the body was ready for some wheels.  I used a gas golf cart chassis for the running gear.  Once the car was complete I was excited to take my wife for a ride.  The only problem was this bumper car was made for one adult and a child.  From my experiences building that first car I decided there had to be a better way.  The original bumper cars are hard to find, the bodies are in poor shape, and they are too small.  I now fabricate my own bodies that are larger and more comfortable to ride in. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would be interested in purchasing one of these custom bumper cars.  I look forward to hearing from you.